Tuesday, December 29, 2009

West Virginia Preppers Network has moved

Please visit the West Virginia Preppers Network at: www.WestVirginiaPreppersNetwork.com

1 comment:

  1. I’m a casting producer for Leopard Films in NYC and we are casting a new documentary in which we want to profile people who are moving “Off the Grid” as Mountain men. In a perfect world, we’d like to document their move from Suburbia to off the grid in order to live off the wild, build their own homes, to be safe, and healthy. We’d love to document the journey of moving in while the family is building their new home from scratch or just moving into new property. It can also be a situation where they are just developing it as a 2nd home as well. This documentary will be aimed at showing what the pros are for doing this life change. Can you post this on facebook or If interested in helping us find the perfect person, you can call me at 212-843-6660 or email me atjoepinzone@leopardfilms.com. Thanks!
